A few assorted links that you may find useful.
Lake District Saga — Fantastic photographs of the Lake District linking to events and setting of CHECKMATE.
Gladys Hobson — Author, read about Gladys Hobson’s novels and other books.
Mythica Publishing for Gladys Hobson’s When Angels Lie ebook
AG Press for USA versions of Gladys Hobson’s books
Dare Empire Media is the publisher of Gladys Hobson’s trilogy in Ebook form. Print copies later for worldwide distribution.
For fun, farce and fantasy, visit Fools Paradise in Australia
Geoff Nelder: Science Fiction, horror and thriller novelist. Visit his blog and his Imagination Factory for much more, including editorial services.
Grumpy Old Bookman A blog about books and publishing, aimed at both readers and writers. Listed by the Guardian in 2005 as one of the top ten literary blogs. This blog is no longer kept up but excellent information still there. Writers’ resource: writing, publishing, self-publishing, ideas, inspiration, forums, critiques, writing engines, articles
i4w2 Ethical self-publishing service from ideas4writers
The Jimston Journal A quarterly E-journal: articles, fiction, poetry, photography (no longer publishing).
Hemsworth and South Elmsall Express Visit columnist Diane West – simply scroll down to the blue ‘community round-up’ section and click onto the Badsworth and Upton link.
For good service and book printing — Dale Burgess at Advanced, The Print Centre
For a good old fashioned bookshop, complete with cosy fire, visit Robert Sutton’s Bookshop at Market Street, Ulverston. 01229 588858
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